We Gather Here Today
drama // comedy // 10 mins
three dysfunctional siblings just lost their dad and attend a very chaotic, frustrating, and somehow comedic funeral.
We Gather Here Today is an ambitious venture into drama, exploring themes of family ties, grief, and relief in tragedy.
i wanted the film to be real-time, presenting the emotions in as raw-a-state as possible.
i'm very proud of the film. it's touching, hopeful, and has comedic beats that audiences have enjoyed.
there's certain dramatic beats that i enjoyed crafting, but overall have learned that i prefer making audiences laugh over making them cry.

Writer/Director/Editor: Corey Holl
Producers: David Guenthner, Corey Holl
Assistant Director: David Guenthner
Cinematographer: Ethan Broughton- Wohlers
Sound Designer / Composer: Noah Giesler
Colorist: Kristyn Dallmann
Production Design: C Kessler, David Guenthner
Casting: Michael Oilar
Gaffer: Bowdie Bentz
Assistant Camera: Kristyn Dallmann, C Kessler
On-Set Sound Mixer: Teagan Tolley
Boom Operator: Garrett Carpenter
Hair & Makeup: Grace Koenig
Production Assistants : Grace Koenig, Michael Hepfinger, Benjamin Cooper
Behind the Scenes Footage: C Kessler, Grace Koenig
Executive Producers: David Guenthner, Corey Holl, Ethan Broughton-Wohlers, Heidi and Mark Sehmer, Matthew Koenig
Lily: Lauren Edwards
Freya: Ainsley Soane
Alex: Rogan Jackson
Funeral Director: Michael Oilar
Leon: Michael Holl
A Cut The Deck Production